Ella Catliff
Here is a fresh portion of cool and stylish outfits that the bloggers have shared recently. While some of them are purely fall looks, there are also other ensembles that will remind you of a warmer season. Below are five lovely looks that will blow your mind and provide you with a great amount of inspiration. Read on to choose the number that will speak to you the most and figure out what clothing pieces you would need in order to recreate a fashionable ensemble. Outfits released by Alina Filipescu, Thassia Naves, Kenza Zouten, Silvia Navarro and Ella Catliff have never disappointed anyone.
Stylish Outfits From Fabulous Fashion Bloggers
Ella Catliff shared a very elegant and cool look. I am very much fascinated by the astonishing suit that she composed to hit the streets of Paris, as she attended Paris Fashion Week. The two-piece number by Sandro is designed in trendy tartan and delicious blue which is complemented by black and gray. The black styling on the sleeves as well as some fur embellishment along the collar make this look more unique and funky. The short and flare fit of the mini skirt adds some edginess to this sophisticated ensemble and so do the Pretty Loafers flatforms in white and black. The cute Diesel shirt perfectly finished this outfit.
Kenza Zouten
Kenza Zouten offers a very competitive and lovely look, which would be an excellent choice for this fall. I have no doubt that you struggle from time to time with how to style a perfect casual outfit that will both keep you warm and look saucy. Here is one of the best solutions for this problem - trust me, you are not the only one who has to deal with this dilemma. If you are searching for exactly this style, then enjoy the victory and glory! Here is what you might need to compose such an outfit: IvyRevel V-printed sweater in slate gray, black leather pabts by Jofama by Keza, adorable coat in cappuccino and a pair of leopard-printed Jennie-Ellen shoes. A gorgeous gray and white IvyRevel scarf along with the Celine bag in black and stylish sunglasses complement the stunning image.
Thassia Naves
Thassia Naves is super lucky to reside in that part of the globe where you can still enjoy the warm and tender sun waves. Which is why she keeps sharing some marvelous outfits that are wearable only during summer time. Except for the fact that it gives us some inspiration for the future seasons, such an ensemble also makes us feel warmer and more relaxed - at least someone is enjoying strikingly beautiful days. The blogger rocked a magnificent two-piece suit by Cori which is made up by a shirt and a skirt. The plaid pattern in delicate ecru looks incredibly cool against the bluish-violet blazer by the same brand. Schutz scarpins in striking violet as well as Dior sunglasses and Bottega Venetta clutch in black completed the fabulous outfit.
Silvia Navarro
Denim is always on trend and it never hurts to purchase an extra pair. If you know how to style jeans, then the whole world is your oyster. There are so many different combinations that one can come up when styling a pair of denims, that it is impossible to cover up all of them. Here is one of very cool ways offered by Silvia Navarro, which I am sure will speak to you a lot. Miss Me slim and skinny jeans in bleached blue are paired with A PDH classic white shirt and a beautiful tartan-printed cape by Buylevard. A pair of adorable pumps in gray suede along with Eci black hat and Monocles sunglasses add a touch of mystery to this look.
Alina Filipescu
Alina Filipescu was obviously wondering whether the fall season has entered into force in reality. Judging both by her post title and the incredible outfit that she presented, it is quite a question indeed. This beautiful composition represents a very sophisticated and hot combination of colors and textures - something that I personally cannot stay indifferent towards. Astonishing mini flare skirt in tectonic blue is combined with a loveliest Marella knit and fluffy cape in rich gray. Gorgeous thigh-high boots in black by Smiling Shoes as well as Michael Kors handbag in blue and Gucci watch completed the look and made it even harder to resist its charm.
Above were the most striking and outstanding outfits that were offered by the fashion bloggers. Which look did you like the most?