Olivia Palermo and Johannes Huebl
People love to follow fashion bloggers for they give us a great amount of saucy ideas. There are so many of them today that sometimes we tend to struggle when checking certain blogs. This is why it is always nice to have posts that provide you with the most astonishing and stylish looks released recently by the fashionistas. More than that, it is even more awesome when along with the female outfits there are also the male ones presented. This is exactly what this post is about: below are five striking couples that represent an ideal combination in terms of relationship and fashion.
5 Adorable Couples With a Perfect Fashion Taste
Here comes the most well-known couple of all the presented ones today. Olivia Palermo and Johannes Huebl make up a perfect duo -I am sure that many of you will share the same opinion. Both of them possess an outstanding style and fashion taste, which makes them hit the headlines of fashion blogs quite often. I am in love with the way their outfit actually match each other and create an impression of an absolute harmony. We all still remember the striking images from their wedding ceremony, when Olivia demonstrated once gain her adorable style and her beloved one just followed the path.
Temoc Gonzalez and unknown lady
Here is a very unique and catchy duo which is obviously worth being checked out. Temoc Gonzalez is accompanied by a beautiful lady with an incredible and totally cool style. You are not likely to spot a couple like this one on your street very often. It is not so much about the lady's hair color or her neon yellow look. It is about how well the two looks go along with each other. Although there are no common elements that the two ensemble would feature, this is a very complete and solid combo.
Veronica Heilbrunner and Justin O'Shea
I immediately fell for this chic and elegant look by Veronica Heilbrunner and Justin O'Shea. The famous couple can serve as an example for many others. Veronica is a Style Editor at Harper’s Bazaar Germany, while Justin is Buying Director at the Munich-based luxury e-boutique Mytheresa.com. So no wonder that the two of them release such magnificent and trendy looks.
Ahmad and Ascia
Here is another great couple which will speak to many of you a lot. These two young people both possess their own style which is by all means very engaging. However, their styles do not correspond with each other; despite this fact the couple looks very cute and solid. Even though the two outfits are far from each other in terms of styling, you can still spot the elements that feature the same color or texture - which is a very wise decision for a couple with different fashion preferences.
Mathieu Lebreton and Betty Autier
Mathieu Lebreton and Betty Autier make up another wonderful and super fashionable couple. Their outfits are quite moderate yet very saucy and in vogue. This is a rare case when a female look is less bright and catchy than the male one. Nonetheless, the overall impression of the duo is not spoiled by this fact at all. Quite the contrary, the couple looks very fresh and trendy.
These were the five awesome and beautiful couples that possess an excellent fashion taste.