Thassia Naves
One thing I love about fashion bloggers is that they are so confident about their style. You will never ever meet a blogger who hesitates about her outfit. No matter how out-of-world it is, the girl manages to wear it in such an effortless way that it becomes a statement the very next second. Such ensembles are usually very bold and unique - not every single lady dares to dress as a blogger does. So sometimes, looking at the photos of Anne-Catherine Frey, Dasha Gold, Elena Perminova, Miroslava Duma and others, my innner crazy ego gets some sort of satisfaction. And this is what happened this time as well. From the very first picture of Thassia Naves, I realized my strong affection for this Brazilian blogger and her awesome style. Read on to see whether you share my attitude!
Brazilian Street Fashion: Gorgeous Looks of Thassia Naves
This beautiful lady is just 22 years old, but looking at her mind-blowing outfits it is hard to believe that such a young girl can come up with sophisticated and tasteful ensembles. She has education background in mining industry, which is absolutely surprising as I would never consider an elegant and exquisite lady like her to be interested in this field. Well, pretty women are full of secrets and surprises, aren't they?
Despite her very serious qualification, now she fully dedicated herself to the world of fashion. Thassia shares her gorgeous looks through her own blog, which is called Blog de Thassia. Besides posting photos of her own outfits, she also writes about various fashion events (including runway shows) that take place throughout the world. By the way, the beauty loves to travel a lot, which is always good, since you can get plenty of inspiration walking down the streets of different cities.
Thassia is super popular in Brazil. She is always invited as a guest to various fashon shows, VIP parties, opening ceremonies, presentations of new collections and so on. Her bright and catchy style can't leave anyone untouched. She manages to combine clothing pieces that any other huiman being would rank as incompatible ones and therefore dump them. Among her favorite brands are Valentino, YSL and Chanel, but she also goes for the Brazilian designers.
You can find thousands of people following and adoring her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and so forth. Her loyal fans keep commenting on her photos and sharing how they love this beautiful lady with everyone. I have to admit, if she keeps up with her style, I might also be one of her followers. Thassia's looks amaze with the color and texture combinations, magnificent accessories that she styles every single look with and of course her natural charm and beauty stressed by these outfits.
Check out the gallery for more images of the Brazilian Street Fashion Queen. I am sure you will also love the stylish looks of Thassia Naves!
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